Disability Equality Scheme


Park View Community School recognises that it has a duty to ensure that all disabled people who enter the school site have a right to be treated in a fair and equitable way, be they pupils, parents, carers, staff or visitors. In order to do this, we accept that we have a duty to consult with disabled pupils, parents and staff as well as recognised representative organisations and the LEA, in order to develop our facilities to meet the needs of all.

In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) we recognise the definition of a disabled person as someone who has:

"a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect upon his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities."

The test of whether an impairment affects normal day to day activity is whether it affects one or more of the following:

As we have looked to develop a Disability Equality Scheme, we have consulted with the following:

The school will continue to use these mechanisms for consultation in the future, but will also seek to widen the spectrum of those consulted, specifically:

The school has collected information on students with disabilities in Park View through parental / carer contact with SENCO at point of entry to the school, and staff with disabilities through the application form at point of entry to the school. This information has then been acted upon.

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